
The release of wxPython is now available for download at  http://wxpython.org/download.php.  This is the first official release in the 2.9 development release series.  There are lots and lots of new widgets and other awesome stuff that have been added since the 2.8 series, with more to come in future releases.  A list of changes can be seen at http://wxpython.org/recentchanges.php.  Also new with this release is a build for Mac OSX and Python 2.7 that uses the Cocoa API and supports the 64-bit architecture on OSX 10.5 and 10.6.

Various binaries are available for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, and also  for OSX using the Carbon and Cocoa APIs, for Python 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7. And source code is also available at http://wxpython.org/download.php of course, for building your own.